Variety In Beekeeping
Most new beekeepers will quickly discover that there seem to be as many ways to keep bees as there are beekeepers that keep them! In terms of equipment, beekeepers can choose from using Langstroth hives, top bar hives, Flow Hives, big hives, small hives, deep honey supers, small honey supers, and not to mention the various systems for making comb honey, etc.
Even beekeeping methodology differs from beekeeper to beekeeper. Some beekeepers requeen in the spring, others requeen in the late summer or fall, and some not at all. Some beekeepers keep Italian stock, and others prefer Russian or Carniolan stock. The list of these kinds of variables runs deep and seems to never end. Perhaps it is the possibility of all these options that creates some of the joy in beekeeping. Beekeeping is a rather freewheeling affair. In beekeeping, experimentation is the rule and not the exception!
It is the availability of all these options that creates the opportunity for learning. Once a beekeeper gains experience in the basics of beekeeping, a whole world of learning opportunities open up. We beekeeping adventurers encourage all beekeepers to step away from the routine from time to time; try new systems, try new methods, and see where their discoveries lead them.